Love your Neighbour (Part 2)

For Most of this year, our neighbours in Ukraine have suffered a devastating loss of life and their country destroyed by bombing attacks on hospitals, schools and private dwelling places. Little children, babies and adults of all ages, blasted by bombs.

Satan has been very busy exercising mind control on his human servants in the Russian government, just he was very busy with Hitler and the Nazi Party, not forgetting all warmongers.


What kind of heart does Satan display? A heart of stone,  which he bestows upon the servants who do his work.

DO SATAN’S SERVANTS KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING? Jesus could answer that question.

WHEN JESUS WAS HANGING ON THE CROSS, he looked up to Heaven and said ’FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO’ Jesus knew something his abusers did not know, that Satan was pulling the strings as he mind-controlled his servants who carried out the work to crucify Jesus, whom Satan hated and the truth he represented.

AROUND THE WORLD,  Christians are being persecuted.  Just recently twenty-one people were beheaded for their Christian faith. ‘Anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it’, Jesus said.. The twenty-one souls were transported from the earth testing grounds to their true native land, better known as Heaven.

As earlier written, the earth is the testing grounds created by God after the fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve, who were tempted by Satan to disobey God and deceived into thinking they were as great as God. Having lost their sin-free status, Adam and Eve had to set the pace for the earth to become the testing grounds thereafter for humanity.

Many people do not believe in God; they say that if there was or is a loving God, he would not allow terrible things to happen to his people on earth, forgetting that God had given man free will and conscience as his defence against Satan’s machinations. As mentioned before, our conscience and free will is our passport to salvation or damnation and does not expire for each of us until death.

If God did not exist, Satan would not exist either and neither would the earth exist; the earth was created by God as our testing grounds.

According to Reports, Satan is planning a ‘ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT’ and a ‘ONE WORLD RELIGION’ both designed to take away free will.

THE One World Religion will have no mention of Jesus Christ or his cross. The hierarchy in our present Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ, will be instrumental in helping to form the New World Religion. Yes, Satan infiltrated the Catholic Church many years ago, and now we come to his intentions, which are very clear and show how desperate he is as his time on earth is running out. He wants to take as many souls as possible away from God and into his HELL.

FIGHTING BACK. How can we fight back against Satan’s machinations?  Our Lady, Jesus’ mother Mary has given us the answer many times. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

 ESPECIALLY PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY, EVERY DAY.  Satan hates MARY AND HER HOLY ROSARY because the rosary brings to life the  SCRIPTURES,  The JOYFUL MYSTERIES depict the life of Mary before she became the mother of Jesus,    The LUMINOUS MYSTERIES, the SORROWFUL MYSTERIES and the GLORIOUS MYSTERIES  depict the life of Jesus from the time he was baptised in the River Jordan, right up to his passion, death and GLORIOUS RESURRECTION.


Don’t forget, we still have the greatest weapon of all to fight against Satan’s machinations:


THANK YOU GOD for the privilege granted of service to you.

RMF  20.10.2022.

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John


They would write independently and without reference to others as each remembered Jesus and his teaching in their own way.

As Peter was now in charge as our first Pope, it makes sense to say that he commissioned the gospels at a time when they were all together, thinking of the communication aspect that would arise when they were scattered far and wide. The mandate of Jesus was… ”Go forth and baptise all nations, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and know that I am with you always, to the end of the world” Not only baptise all nations but to bring the good news of God’s Kingdom to ALL. Even today in the 22nd century, Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been urging people to read the Bible, which tells the story of the life of Jesus

Three times Jesus confirmed the Apostle Peter as the head of His Church. He asked Peter three times if he loved him, and Peter replied. YES, each time and Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” Peter was the Chief Shepherd, the first Pope. Jesus had also said to Peter: You are Peter on the rock I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it!

JUST AS PREDICTED AT THE TIME OF Christ, the gates of Hell have tried relentlessly to prevail against the Church; some experts have said this started in slow motion almost a hundred years ago! And the results have brought great shame on the Church, but Satan will never succeed in bringing down the Church as it is built on rock! And on the rock faith of many. Let you, the reader, be one of the rocks!

Jesus promised that he would be with us to the end of the world. How is this possible?  He is with us in the Holy Eucharist. Every time we attend Holy Mass we are witnesses to the miracle of the Holy Eucharist when the Priest blesses the bread and wine and it becomes the body and blood of Christ but still tastes like bread and wine; this is the miracle; this is the way God is with us to the end of the world.

What makes one person murder an innocent person while another recoils at the very idea? The GRACE OF GOD.  Satan’s mind control operates effectively when we ignore our conscience and give our free will to him. Once you give your free will to the SATAN, he keeps it. That is why our precious free will and conscience, given to us by God, is our Passport to salvation or damnation.

WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT THE GRACE OF GOD. Our conscience and free will expire when we die.

SOME PEOPLE THINK WE CAN BUY A PLACE IN HEAVEN BY GIVING MONEY TO CHARITY. If people die in mortal sin and are unrepentant, they go to Hell no matter how much money they give to charity! There is no easy route to Heaven!

As earlier written, THE MIND CONTROLS THE BODY. Satan is a Mind Controller.  How else could he succeed?   He needs people in power to carry out his work, especially those lacking the Grace of God.  To give an example of mind control and many people will recognise this:   Who am I? AM I A BOY OR AM I A GIRL? AM I HERTOSEXUAL OR HOMOSEXUAL? I HAVE BEEN LIVING HAPPILY MOST OF MY LIFE AS A HETEROSEXUAL BUT NOW I WANT TO BE A HOMOSEXUAL.  WHY HAS NATURE PLAYED THIS TRICK ON ME? Not nature, the Devil, the mind controller!!   Troubled people can ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, not another person under the mind control of Satan.

What does Satan hate most? TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE, because both throw light into the darkness.

THE FIRST PRIORITY IS:  To place our trust in God, who loves us and wants only the best for us.

How do we achieve happiness on earth? Through PEACE OF MIND when we have wiped the slate clean and can start again.

How can we start again? God’s Mercy is greater than our sins.  PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.

 CONFESS, REPENT, DO PENANCE, FAST and try, try, try and try again when we fail yet again. Just don’t let the Devil win because he does not give up trying to lure us into his web of deceit, lies and sin.

Satan and his evil spirits can assail one’s mind at any time, even in Church. What can you do? Just say ‘Go away Satan’ and the Holy Spirit will chase the evil one away. But he does not give up!  Remember, the narrow road is full of stumbling blocks.

BE HUMBLE, NOT PROUD. Heaven is full of the humble and Hell is full of the Proud!

Joe Bloggs was frustrated because his mother had been trying for years to convert him. One day Joe shouted…”Lord, can you please confirm that my mother is five short of six?”  ‘Dear Joe, I can confirm that your mother is six-six and you are five short’ “What does that mean, Lord?” ‘She is one hundred per cent and you are one percent’ “How do I get to be one hundred percent?”  ‘Ask your mother.

I NEVER KNOW FOR SURE WHEN God is going to make me redundant! With that in mind, I would like to say: Thank you God for the endorsement and for the TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE, which takes us out of the darkness and into the light.   Was and is this God’s purpose for this website? To me the answer is obvious.


RMF   9th August 2022.

PS  In case you are wondering. Yes, I did have much trouble. Mainly computer trouble writing the above and I was conscious of who was trying to stop me from persevering.  Once God knew I was aware that Satan was trying to stop me and I asked God for help, he responded.  I have God to thank for getting this far. RMF

Love your neighbour as yourself

This year is the tenth anniversary of the creation of this website.

When I first realised what GOD wanted me to do (see first sequel) I had to find a web designer to build what was necessary and acceptable. After that, it was simply a matter of writing what the Holy Spirit prompted, and Posting it on the website.

I  believed God had a purpose, but I did not know what the purpose was. Over the past ten years, I have also learned of the numerous ways God has inspired people to witness the existence of Heaven and pass on their experiences. The source of such information is Youtube.

I have thought from time to time about God’s purpose, especially with the last article I wrote and how Satan showed his hand by unplugging this computer while I was typing my piece. Had I known in advance what Satan would do, I would have been unnerved and probably rendered incapable.

Thanks to God I didn’t know in advance and by the time I did know I was shocked but unconcerned and capable of continuing. What surprised me, even more, was how God allowed Satan to show his hand when Satan would know this was. Futile on the grounds that God’s purpose and power would prevail over anything Satan desired.

The first time God allowed Satan to show his hand was during the period I was writing the manuscript for THE GOLDEN ROSE book, years earlier, especially regarding Annelise Michel and at this period I also learned for the first time that Satan was a mind controller, as evident by the actions of Annelise.  God’s purpose in giving us this education is obvious, as much of the world does not believe in the existence of the devil, even though his work is clearly visible as he adopts an invisible persona as a human being. Currently displaying himself and his work through the Communist regime of Russia, and the human being this time is the president of Russia and his many helpers. This is what happens when human beings reject God by their actions and imitate the Devil by their actions.  

Love your neighbour as yourself has demonstrated that no other country has gone to the aid of Ukraine against the bully boys. The excuse given is ‘fear’ of what the bully boys will do next. As before mentioned, the earth is out a temporary residence, with the time spent in proving to God that we are worthy of our permanent residence in HEAVEN WITH HIM. The alternative is an eternity in HELL WITH THE DEVIL WHO HATES US.

The great enticement offered human beings, especially those under Satan’s control. is power and riches, with never enough power and never enough riches, the very things that caused Satan’s eviction from Heaven. He had everything in paradise, but he wanted more, more, more, especially God’s power. Every waking moment we should thank God for giving us a choice. HIM or the DEVIL as our permanent home. HEAVEN or HELL.

Let us not forget why JESUS came on earth over two thousand years Ago. Just a little of what he said….”I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Nobody can come to the FATHER except through ME”  Jesus advised all…. ”SEEK THE TRUTH”   Thus avoid injustice.

The Pharisee mindset is evident in all walks of life including every religion.  When we disregard what Jesus taught, we disregard Jesus who is the truth.

The Pharisees at the time of Christ were very good at avoiding truth. They thought they knew it all, that the truth was what they thought!  Result?  Injustice..  THE GREATEST INJUSTICE OF ALL WAS THE CRUCIFIXION AND DEATH OF JESUS, simply because he represented the truth, which Satan, master of liars. hated.  Not forgetting all the qualities Jesus possessed, which Satan also hated.

 Once again we are approaching the greatest event in the history of the world….THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS FROM THE DEAD, just three days after his crucifixion and death.  Celebrated on Easter Sunday.



RMF 20th March, 2022

PS. YOU MIGHT WONDER WHY God picked me to write this website, apart from my faith and trust in God.  My personal experience in life simply reinforces what is above written about the truth, as follows:

 I was a dental guinea pig for a number of years and certain happenings prompted me to complain to the Health Authority in charge of that particular Dental School. My written report was taken seriously, thanks to the late Margaret Thatcher, who also received a copy of the Report. To cut a long story short, I was satisfied with the outcome and could have continued to be a  DGP.  For certain reasons I ceased being a guinea pig when I realised the only person to benefit from my experience was myself, so I  decided to write them down for book publication. Having filled the waste disposal a few times. I decided to inject such dull subject matter with a comic element to make it readable and a page-turner, thinking the truth is not less the truth in the way it is told!   The Report mentioned, formed the core of the book and all names could have been legally mentioned. However, this was not going to be a revenge book, only nicknames would be used and the contents designed to inform guinea pigs and dental students no matter what dental school they attended.   Being made aware was more important than correct names. There was a market for such a book, probably the first such subject matter written about.

I lost count of the number of rejection letters I had to read, describing such subject matter as being non-commercial for a commercial publisher. I knew this was not true, but try as I might I was unable to find the truth about rejection. UNTIL one Sunday afternoon  I learned the truth in a Sunday supplement magazine when I began reading some snippets of information.  I must have thought… Dear Lord, Why didn’t you show this to me a little bit sooner! This is when I learned what non-commercial meant to a publisher. According to the magazine information, a publisher had to pulp thousands of copies of a book after somebody else popped up at the first print run and successfully claimed copyright. What a commercial shock for the poor publisher.  Yes, I was naïve. So why did I have to learn the truth from a magazine article? Why did not just one publisher tell me the truth?  What would the truth have looked like?  ‘Dear author, what would you do if somebody else tried to claim copyright of your work after publication?’ Answer….’I have protected copyright in anticipation of such an event’  During four rewrites I had protected copyright each time by posting a copy to myself by recorded delivery post and left it sealed and unopened.  I didn’t think anybody would want to plagiarize my experience! but it is not unknown for a literary agent or other to try to covet another person’s ideas or parts in a manuscript they could make use of and then accuse the genuine writer of plagiarizing.

I took the four copies to a law firm and asked them to list in a letter each copy and date as proof. Thus armed, I sent a copy of the letter to a mainstream publishing house, one that appeared most interested in the subject matter (if it was not for the commercial aspect!) I didn’t make a fuss and was diplomatic.  The shutters came down so fast and I found myself out in the cold for good!  What went wrong with my legally acceptable proof? Nothing at all. The wrong person was vindicated, that’s all! When I published the book myself and sent it for a review to a known family Newspaper who had days earlier published a full-page review for a celebrity, such book described by others as obscene, but they didn’t have room for mine. Not even when I sent the editor an article to promote the book in the same Newspaper; his return of post response indicated to me that he liked the article, but his letter was ‘cagey’. When he learned I had published the book myself, he obviously sought advice from their legal advisers, resulting in my article not seeing the light of day.  This was when I learned that the Pharisees had nobbled me! The Pharisees being lawyers!  The lawyers were not going to be embarrassed or accused of discrimination, hence the intended readers for the subject matter didn’t benefit from my experience as a DGP  I might add that a  book wholesaler was ready to take on my dental book for the market but told me that I first needed to have it reviewed (for publicity as publicity is the oxygen needed).

I learned that lawyers make the decisions in book publishing houses and newspaper publishing houses and they were the people who rejected me as the writer without saying a word or giving me the chance to defend my integrity. Nor was I given the benefit of the doubt, considering there would not be a book at all without the author, who just happened to be the writer too!  Now you know why Jesus advised ‘SEEK THE TRUTH’, because if you do not, the result is injustice.

My second book THE GOLDEN ROSE  ran into the same trouble, this time with Catholic publishers.  As written earlier, the Pharisees are everywhere! I was unable to get the self-published book reviewed, probably because it drew attention to my first book, THE PIG AND THE GENERAL.  Both books (slim volume) are in the British Library.

I might add that the catalyst for writing my second book was the image of Jesus in a rose photographed by my daughter in my late parents’ garden while we were on holiday.  (written about in the book).  Not everybody could see the image of Jesus in the rose, which forms the cover of the book. My late sister-in-law saw the face after she prayed to see it.

IF God needed somebody with experience to write on HIS WEBSITE, I would have qualified!  Anybody reading the website from the beginning will have learned how the old Pharisee the devil himself tried to stop the TRUTH from emerging!  The truth comes out in the end, as it usually does! WITH THE HELP OF GOD!


2022 Sequel

I am writing this as a follow up to what was written for Christmas, 2021.

Now that I have got over the shock of how Satan tried to thwart the WILL OF GOD, by unplugging this computer while I was busy writing my piece on God’s behalf, as described,  you might be wondering why God wanted me to have such experience: God knows everything, including everything about the Devil. He wanted me to know what he knew so that I could write about it, THE TRUTH.  The truth is not less the truth in the way it is written!

The first Sequel records how this Website started.

The double Sequel records the Devil’s reaction to the website.

The recent reaction shows how desperate Satan had become to stop the knowledge from getting out.

As before written, Satan is running out of time reigning on the earth, and he wants to take souls away from God. So desperate has he become that he is now very in your face, with so many murders being committed and other violent acts, including rumblings of war. Not only that, but groups are forming with the title Satanic, designed to infiltrate places where the young congregate, like schools, universities, etc Yes, Satan’s intentions are focused on the young, to take them on to the broad road which leads them to what they think will be good and beneficial but which ultimately leads to the loss of their souls. As Jesus said…’What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul’   However much power or riches a man has, he is nothing without the grace of God.  The only thing to be taken into eternal life is the soul. Guard your riches, guard your soul!

At this stage you might be wondering if the despotic Satan is happy with the writer giving him a ‘Bad Press’  To put it simply,  he sent me his very own Covid Virus. After feeling as if I had flu or a chest infection,  I tested positive for Covid on 6th January, spent the required ten days isolation, before I had a second test to show I was negative and no worse from the experience, which just goes to show you THAT GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE! Not forgetting the inner ear shingles virus Satan gave me in 2015, which is present to this day and becomes manifest at regular intervals especially when I am praying but it does not stop me praying!   YES, GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE!

I have no doubt whatsoever that SATAN himself, by his own actions and with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT has authenticated this website.

JESUS’ MOTHER MARY has the answer to defeat Satan; PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Pray the Holy Rosary every day. If man can go to the moon, you can surely get help in saying the rosary, that is, those who have yet to learn.


RMF 20.01.2022

Christmas 2021

In February/March, 2022 it will be ten years since I started writing this website, under THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST.

Very shortly we will celebrate the first greatest event in the history of the world… THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST; the second greatest event being THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS and the third greatest event will herald the return of JESUS AT THE END OF THE WORLD.

Only God knows when the end will come.  While we wait, the end comes for many souls every hour of the day.

In August this year, I wrote under the heading THE GREAT TEST.   In the fall of Adam and Eve,  we human beings have to serve our apprenticeship on earth to prove to God we are worthy of eternal life with Him in Heaven. it makes sense to think and believe we are being tested. Not just by God but also by Satan. Hence, God gave us a conscience and free will, so that we could decide what path we took for salvation or damnation.

GOD DOES NOT TAKE PRISONERS. SATAN DOES TAKE PRISONERS. This is manifest in the way millions of people throughout the world are incarcerated in prisons and camps against their will, for simply having Christian values!  Not just Christian values but any values relating to God. The servants of Satan keep such prisons and camps in a state of fear and constant suffering. Think of what it was like for the Jews during the war.  Think of what it is like in present-day China for the FALIN DAFFA/FALUN GONG for simply practising innocent exercises,  as written about under the recent heading THE CHILDREN OF GOD.  Not forgetting the suffering of the Uyghur Muslims, also in China’s concentration camps.

To mock God, Satan needs world governments in his power; he only needs to manipulate the right people, such people also having a great aversion to the truth.  Charisma comes to mind.  Drug dealers are good with this and many politicians. Drug dealers are all charm until they get their way and merciless when they don’t.

I have heard comments about faraway countries, like….’it is their country, not ours, they can do what they want’……Their country, our neighbours!! Putting ourselves in another person’s shoes!

As before mentioned, Satan’s many servants helped him bestow upon the world the Covid 19 disease, a deadly and horrible disease, but only deadly some of the time.   Untested vaccines are used continually, with more and more booster jabs recommended as the variant changes to something even worse. In short, Satan is playing with humanity. I know this is difficult for many to believe, especially people who do not believe in God or the devil. This is why Satan is so successful, he operates in the dark, unseen.  Only the results are seen, in the form of dead people here and there, such as those of all ages and genders being murdered.  Not to mention the wars endured.

Without apology, I can say again that only God can restrain Satan. And when he does not do so, the world suffers chastisement, which the world brings upon itself by turning its back on GOD and our own salvation JESUS DIED FOR. Jesus died to set us FREE to make our own choices; he also died so that our sins would be forgiven, but not for so many to eliminate HIM altogether!.

Remember, when Jesus was here on earth he cured all kinds of diseases; he gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf.  Jesus did not use ‘vaccine’, he simply laid His hands-on people and told them their faith had made them whole.  Yes. FAITH can move mountains!  At the time of Christ,  people loved Jesus, they trusted him and they believed in him. So why did such a good man have to die so horribly at the hands of Satan’s servants?  The good news is that Jesus did not have to die as Satan did not have such power. No, Jesus willingly died so that our sins would be forgiven. He used his own body to demonstrate what Satan’s servants were capable of doing to an innocent and good person.   Best of all, Jesus demonstrated his resurrection from the dead on the third day after his death, so that we would learn that death was not the end but the beginning of eternal life in HEAVEN, WHICH IS THE REAL LIFE, NOT THE BLINK OF AN EYE WE EXPERIENCE ON EARTH!

Satan is coming to the end of his reign on earth and that is why he is so aggressive now. Scripture tells us that when Jesus died on the cross, he descended into Hell. Why?. God knows the answer. I believe Jesus went to hell to put Satan under notice, and now the notice is running out. By the time Satan is cast down into hell again, he will have separated the wheat from the chaff.

Remember what I wrote earlier:  Most Christians know this already. At harvest time (the end of the world) the chaff will be tied up and cast onto the fire (hell), the wheat is gathered into the barn (heaven).

Having reached this far, you might be wondering if any of Satan’s servants are reading this website. Only God knows the answer to that. I believe that Satan, being a mind controller, will prevent them from reading anything with GOD’S NAME on it.

Jesus’ mother Mary has urged us many times to pray THE  ROSARY,  this is the best ‘vaccine’ of all.      THE rosary brings back the JOYFUL, SORROWFUL, GLORIOUS and  LIGHT MYSTERIES, and Satan hates this remembrance.

Before I conclude, I have to say this section of Our Lord’s website, has been a struggle, not in the writing, but in getting it started and finished. At first, I had much trouble getting the computer to work and then it went completely off, mysteriously.  My daughter had given me the computer a few years ago after she bought a new one for herself. I decided to wait for her to visit and ask her to look at the computer for me. The day arrived, Sunday, and when she looked at the computer she announced that it had been unplugged at the extension lead but was switched on at the main wall switch. She plugged it back into the extension lead and, he presto, it was working again, hence you are reading this.  I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I remained silent. The mystery remains but it looks to me as if the old devil was working, unseen and in secret again! Was I scared at the thought? No, he is the one scared of me!  I certainly did not unplug my own computer while still writing on it!


IT IS ONLY RIGHT FOR ME TO END BY THANKING THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR CHASING THE EVIL ONE AWAY. To me, the Holy Spirit is what joins God the Father and God the Son together.



RMF  20.12.2021

Also don’t forget that when JESUS was on earth, he cured many people of all kinds of diseases and cast out many evil spirits from people. Jesus didn’t need any vaccine or drugs to cure people. He told people their faith in him cured them.  JESUS SIMPLY LAID HIS HANDS ON THEM.

HOW DID EVIL SPIRITS ENTER THE LIVING? This happens when people ignore their GOD-GIVEN CONSCIENCE AND GIVE THEIR FREE WILL TO SATAN (in ignorance). An evil spirit cannot enter a human being without permission from such a person, the one who ignores conscience.

The reader will know by now why CONSCIENCE AND FREE WILL is our passport to SALVATION or DAMNATION.

Why did such a good man like JESUS HAVE TO DIE SO CRUELLY at the hands of Satan’s servants?

JESUS DIDN’T HAVE TO DIE. He gave his life willingly so that our sins would be forgiven. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead on the third day demonstrated that death was not the end but the beginning of eternal life, which is real life and not the blink of an eye we experience on earth when we serve our apprenticeship.  Life on earth is nothing when compared to eternity.

Don’t forget, pray the Rosary every day and OUR LADY will assist you.

The Great Test

For the benefit of a reader who has just logged on. This website was first started in 2012 under the heading of the Cross of Jesus Christ. I do not know who has read any part of the website, I only know who was afforded the opportunity to read. It is like living in the dark and waiting for a light to be switched on!             

‘Why didn’t God give this job to a bishop?’ The bishop was not in the right place at the right time, but I was!  I’m not a theologian and my knowledge of scripture is basic. In short, I’m a nobody without a ‘voice’ but I have the ‘pen’ given to me by God. It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword, just as the Holy Rosary is mightier than the sword!

I am fortunate to have learned the Catechism in my very early years.  I learned to know God, trust God but I do not remember being taught to ‘listen’ to God, but I do listen, hear and respond. To do God’s will.  As a child I was puzzled by the words:  ‘Love God above all things and your neighbour as yourself’ Why did God want us insignificant beings to love him?. Do we have to love our next-door neighbour, as nice or awful they may be?. By the time I grew up, which took a long time, I began to understand God better.

When we love God, we do not want to offend him and commit sins, so that we can eventually join him in Heaven where he wants us to be with him.

Loving our neighbour as ourselves:  Not just our next-door neighbour but our neighbours throughout the world.  We do this by not starting unnecessary wars and going to their aid when they are in danger of annihilation by satanic forces.  The second world war comes to mind when the satanic Hitler had to be stopped.

 Also in catechism class, we were taught the commandments of God, given by God to Moses. For the benefit of those who don’t know the commandments, here they are:

  1. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange Gods before me.
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
  4. Honour your father and your mother.
  5. You shall not kill.
  6. You shall not commit adultery.
  7. You shall not steal.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
  9. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods.

It is not easy being a faithful Catholic; it is much easier to travel the broad road and please oneself!  A man asked what the quickest route to Heaven was:

‘Just go straight up and turn left, and then turn right. When you reach the moon you will know that you are in God’s back garden, and the rest is easy!’

 ‘Thanks for the navigation’

‘By the way…. don’t be surprised if St Peter sends you on your way with a flea in your ear’

 ‘W H A T!?  Why would he do that?’

‘Because there’s no easy route to Heaven. Just take the narrow road like the rest of us!’

THE NARROW ROAD CAN BE PEACEFUL FOR MANY, BUT NOT FOR ALL.  Think of the persecuted Christians all around the world, in places like Nigeria, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Holy lands, China and many other places whose Christians need our prayers, compassion and almsgiving. Aid to The Church in Need being one of their refuges for help.  Christians in these countries are afraid to make known their desperation to the ungodly governments in power and who are under the influence and mind control of Satan.  The only place such people can get help is the Church

The narrow road can be very painful for many, with the blood of martyrs staining the road all the way.

MANY PEOPLE ARE GIVEN TASKS, BY GOD, TO CARRY OUT, using their free will to do God’s will.

When GOD put it in my mind to write under the above heading, I  prayed for guidance and I also asked GOD TO USE THE CURSOR ON MY COMPUTER TO STOP ME IF I  did not interpret correctly the message conveyed.  This happened once only to my dismay, as follows…….

I was writing the manuscript for The Golden Rose book and, as explained in that book, I copied an article from a Newspaper about Anneliese Michel because the book was a better vehicle for the story. All is explained in the book itself.  I copied words written by the journalist saying that Anneliese’s behaviour had deteriorated. At that point, the cursor stopped working and I couldn’t write another word. All kinds of things went through my mind, including that the computer was faulty. Then the revelation came and I deleted the word ‘behaviour’ and inserted the word ‘personality’.  The personality of Anneliese had deteriorated, not her behaviour. The reason for this is in the book.

When the cursor stopped and then started to enable me to finish writing.  I realised I was not on my own, although I didn’t previously think we were/are alone; thinking of our Guardian Angels!

Not for nothing has the words ‘FREE WILL’ been mentioned on this website. As before mentioned, our CONSCIENCE AND FREE WILL is a gift from God to help us resist the machinations of the devil. Our free will and conscience being our PASSPORT TO SALVATION OR DAMNATION.



The Angel, now known as SATAN, failed the test. He was filled with pride, jealous of God and craved GOD’S POWER, which he wanted for himself.  rebellion broke out and SATAN WAS EVICTED FROM HEAVEN with his supporting fallen angels.

Satan was so enraged at losing Paradise that he vowed revenge on God and he started that revenge with Adam and Eve. 

A million thick books would not be enough to write about  Satan’s horror revenge against God.

Then God sent JESUS into the world to help us, as already recorded in the Bible and partly on this website. When Jesus, at the age of thirty-three, was on the path to his crucifixion, he was met by his mother Mary who tried to comfort him. A voice broke out.

‘Who is the woman talking to the Nazarine?’

‘that’s his mother’.

‘Crack the whip and keep him moving’

JESUS HAD BOTH A HUMAN AND DIVINE NATURE. He showed his divine nature on the cross when he prayed…’Father forgive them for they know not what they do’

Having being shuffled to one side off the path, Mary met up again when Jesus had been nailed to the cross. After three hours on the cross, Jesus died and his body was taken down and laid in his mother’s arms.

Satan was enraged that he was unable, through his human servants, to do any harm to Mary, as she was under the protection of Almighty God.  Satan fears Mary and he fears and hates her Holy Rosary.  When we say the Holy Rosary, this can be likened to a heavyweight punch to Satan. Imagine how many heavyweight punches he would get if everybody prayed Mary’s Holy Rosary.  Satan would end up pleading to God for help, only to be pushed back into hell, by God, with his supporting demons. Never to be let out again.

SATAN WOULD HAVE SERVED HIS PURPOSE ON EARTH: He would have separated the wheat from the chaff!

Let us just remember what many of the present generations remember. The Holocaust during the second world war when millions of Jews were deprived of their free will and murdered. Satan hated the Jews because Jesus Christ and his mother Mary were Jews. Satan’s hatred is so great that he wanted to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth. Not only that, to Satan there was no room on the earth for a good man like JESUS.  Jesus was cancelled/crucified. He willingly died for the sins of mankind.  The only ‘testing’ power Satan has is the one given to him by ALMIGHTY GOD, who raised his son Jesus from the dead on the third day after his death, demonstrating to the world that DEATH WAS NOT THE END BUT THE BEGINNING OF ETERNAL LIFE.


The Despotic regimes in the world are numerous, the most in our face at the present time is the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party who, under the influence and mind control of Satan, has given the world the COVID-19, a MAN-MADE VIRUS. I have already written, earlier this year, about the CCP under the heading…  ‘The Children of God’.

Most people in the world now know about the VACCINE AND FACE COVERINGS. A scientist once said that mankind evolved from monkeys, which leads us to wonder where monkeys evolved from! Hardly surprising Satan wants us all to look like monkeys, hence the face masks!

I declined the vaccine on the grounds that I did not think the devil would be kind enough to send a ‘cure’ with it!

As for masks. When I visit a hospital and am given a new mask to wear, it would be churlish not to wear it. The rest of the time it remains in my handbag. It looks better in my handbag than on my face! The devil wouldn’t agree!  Also, I can breathe better without a mask.

People can of their own free will take the Covid vaccine if they want to. Others can of their own free will decline the vaccine if they want to. The same applies to wearing a mask. God gave us free will and if anybody tries to deprive us of our God given free will, they are also trying to take the free will of God.  This is what Satan has always done, taking away the free will of millions of people. Think of the holocaust! Think of the people in China who endure all kinds of cruelty, including having their organs stolen before merciful death. Think of the free will aborted babies will never experience.

Currently in the news is the fate of the people in AFGHANISTAN who have had their free will snatched away by the SATANIC TALIBAN, who are hell-bent on revenge against certain people, no matter what they say to the contrary.

Our own UK and USA governments have left our neighbours in Afghanistan to face the devil’s servants on their own. It came as no surprise to me when I heard that the CCP Chinese Communist Party was in favour of the Taliban. Evil lives well with evil. 

If it is true that our UK government and the USA government has been cosying up to the CCP, can anybody be surprised that the Taliban felt so secure in their attack on Afghanistan? The CCP just needed the right people in power before they could take the next step in the communist advance on the world, accompanied by Russia.

Under the heading of JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS, I wrote in 2012  that  Satan targets the Seat of Power where most harm is done to God and mankind through satanic legislation.   Why did God put that on my mind at this time? Why did he want the present revelation? The reason is obvious, the world is in such a wicked state.  Time means nothing to God and he knows what is going to happen many years in advance, while we only know what happened yesterday and today but not tomorrow!


   When Jesus was on earth he said:  ‘I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE’  Satan is the MASTER OF LIARS AND DECEIT.  Jesus also said:  WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN IF HE SHOULD GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD BUT SUFFERS THE LOSS OF HIS SOUL.  Many people sell their soul for the blink of an eye, because that is how long we are on earth compared to eternity    


The final testing ground came when Satan endeavoured relentlessly to bring down the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST.  Think of all the horrible sins committed within the Catholic Church for many years.  When Jesus gave the apostle Peter the keys, he said ‘YOU ARE PETER AND ON THE ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT’. Satan has demonstrated very clearly how he prevailed against the Church.  He fought the battle bringing great shame on the Church.  He will not win the war.


A Pentecost reading:  ‘IF YOU TAKE YOUR GRACE AWAY, NOTHING PURE IN MAN WILL STAY; ALL HIS GOOD IS TURNED TO ILL’.  We are nothing without the grace of God.


It was a great victory for Satan when countless numbers abandoned the Church of Jesus Christ. Many, like myself, did not abandon the Church. I, for one, recognised the machinations of Satan when terrible reports started coming out about the people inside the Church who were supposed to be there to serve God and his flock.

Jesus forgave Peter for denying that he was associated with him.  FEAR, a favourite of Satan, dominated when Jesus was arrested. Jesus became reconciled with his Apostles after his resurrection. Jesus had told Peter in advance that he would deny knowing him. Peter wept when he remembered Jesus’ words.

Many Christians already know that Peter died when he was crucified upside down.  Ever since, countless martyrs have died for their faith in God.  Jesus was the first to willingly shed his blood for the sins of mankind; his Church has survived on the blood of the martyrs.

All those who abandoned the Church will also be forgiven. First steps:  With humility:  Confession, Repentance. Penance.   Return to ALL THE SACRAMENTS of the Church.  Back into the fold!

Jesus talked about the ‘UNTEACHABLES’. People who don’t want to know. PRIDE will hold them back, just as it brought about Satan’s eviction from Heaven. Hell is full of those souls who had false pride and who didn’t believe hell existed! Not for nothing do we pray for conversions. I would not want my worst enemy, if I have one, to go to hell.   Hell is not just full of Pride.  OUR LADY told one of the children of Fatima that most of the souls in hell were there because of sins of the flesh.

Why do so many people, both heterosexual and homosexual,  live happy celibate lives?  Because Satan does not win every battle!


As always, JESUS’ message brings comfort:  GOD’S MERCY IS GREATER THAN OUR SINS.  Humility brings true repentance for our sins. Both inside and outside of the Church.

Don’t forget. Keep giving Satan a mighty punch, pray OUR LADY’S HOLY ROSARY every day.


RMF  22nd August 2021
PS The cursor didn’t stop once!

The Children of God

“Are we all really children of God?”  asked a perplexed parishioner.

Potentially, yes. When a baby is baptised in the name of The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, this makes the child a child of God.  Depending on the child’s life span it will remain a child of God. When the child reaches the age of reason and develops free will and a conscience, this will determine the child’s/adult’s choices.  Free will and conscience is our passport to salvation or damnation. We should never forget the temptations of Satan who tries relentlessly to push us off the path of Christ and onto his path, to end up with him!  Not because he wants us, but because he does not want God to have us. Satan hates us, God loves us.  Satan has been very successful, using the power of the mind.

Can we blame Satan for our sins? No. God gave us a conscience and free will as weapons to resist the temptations of the devil. When we confess our sins, part of the prayer is…’THROUGH MY FAULT, THROUGH MY FAULT, THROUGH MY MOST GRIEVOUS FAULT’

THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST took place when Jesus was in the desert for forty days and forty nights, with just the angels for company. The devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would serve him! Jesus told the devil, aka Satan, to be gone, that the Lord God only would be served.


It was human beings who did the work when Jesus was crucified and died so that our sins would be forgiven, while Satan pulled the strings as he hid behind human walls/human beings, thus disguising his role in the crucifixion.

JESUS CHRIST HAD FREE WILL, being a human being like the rest of us. The night before his arrest he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane …”Father if it is possible let this chalice pass from me, not MY WILL but THY WILL be done” Jesus knew what awaited him and willingly did his father’s will and died on the cross so that our sins would be forgiven. No greater love is this.  Jesus also died to give us the freedom to make our own choices.

THE RESURRECTION of Jesus on the third day was the greatest event in the history of the world and brought hope to the world, as it indicated that death was not the end but the beginning of eternal life.

The baptised person is free to stay on the narrow path that leads to God or take the wide path that leads to damnation.  However, we live in hope. Think of the Prodigal Son in scripture, who became a lost soul for many years until he came to his senses and returned to his biological father and to his heavenly father in sorrow and repentance, to be forgiven and welcomed home.


Many people never find their way back to God’s path. Think of those people who masterminded the holocaust that took place during the second World War when millions of people, including little children, were put to death in gas chambers.  Think of all the despotic regimes in the world, past and present, when innocent people disappeared, never to be seen again by their loved ones.

 When we deny the truth and forget too easily, the holocaust can find roots again in another. All around the world Christians and other faiths are being persecuted in horrible ways, but you do not read about this in the popular Press!! The Press see their role as one to entertain the masses not to inform the masses!

We vote politicians into power to protect the masses and not just the interests of the minuscule minority.  Every politician should be compelled to read the bible, especially the Gospels of  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The trouble with many politicians is that they want to appear ‘good’ while they are in fact ‘ungodly’   The gospel says that ‘by their fruits, they will be known’ not what they say but what they do!


Who do people go to when they need legal help? A rich man might find a good lawyer but a poor man could be wasting his money!  To find a lawyer who knows the difference between right and wrong could be likened to finding an oasis in the desert; the poor man could die of thirst before he found one!  GIVE UP!?

A car sticker on a US car read: “99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name” Shakespeare was even stronger when he wrote in one of his plays: “The first thing we must do is to kill all the lawyers” I don’t advocate killing anybody, but my sympathy rests with Shakespeare! Why was Shakespeare so upset? He learned, after much striving, what  lawyers were saying behind his back, in secret, which was… “Don’t take any notice of that man Shakespeare, he doesn’t do his own writing!” How did the lawyers know that Shakespeare did not do his own writing? They didn’t know; they just ‘thought’ they knew.   Fiction  can some times be fact that cannot be proved!

What you ‘think’  rather  than what you  ‘know’  can result in injustice!

INJUSTICE can,  and often does, result in demonstrations by peaceful people; such a situation can be infiltrated by violent people! A peaceful man will not invite in an evil spirit, a violent man will, by his actions!

When people in powerful positions lie, cheat and cover up the wrongdoing of others, they simply make it easy for dark forces in the world to do even greater mischief that will also affect them too and their children and grandchildren, as they head to the abyss.

Many people simply do not believe Satan exists; this is how Satan likes it as he operates better in the dark, with the help of his many human being servants!!  Serve Satan and he can claim your soul.  Serve  God and he will claim your soul.

LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL THINGS AND YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF. Not just our next door neighbours but our neighbours in other countries.

 The world has grown cold, selfish and incredibly wicked. Money can buy many souls and enable certain people to turn a blind eye to wrongdoing; the mantra being ME, ME, ME. My life, my body, my choice. Not everybody adopts such a mantra and we have to think of people who have their free will taken away from them!.   This happens when people are forced to do something they do not want to do.

IF IT IS TRUE  that our current UK government approached China for advice on how to deal with Covid-19, what would China have advised? What we have now got!  

TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A COUNTRY, SATAN NEEDS THE RIGHT PEOPLE IN POWER;  Ideally in a country where the state does not reject satanic legislation, such as abortion and gay marriage etc. When this happens, anything can happen to the citizens, as you will soon learn from our neighbours!

I was not familiar with the lives of the people living in China. A few months ago I heard in a news outlet that the Communist Party in China had planted their red flag in God’s back garden, the moon!.  What audacity! I was led to believe they intend to rule the world from the moon!  Bully for them!  Satan’s way of taunting God. I imagine they will try to serve Papers on God to vacate Heaven on the grounds that he has been in Heaven for long enough and has not been paying any rent!  Well God needs a laugh too!   I can hardly wait for God to give Satan skates, downwards projection!

ASH WEDNESDAY.  17.02.2021

11.30am I was standing at the bus stop near my home waiting for the bus to take me to Mass at my local Church.  As I waited for the bus a young man and woman approached, wearing masks; they both looked to be Chinese. We exchanged greetings as they stood with me.  After a minute or two the woman gave me a leaflet to read. I told her I was going to Church but would read the leaflet when I got back home. The man then gave me another leaflet and I could read the heading on the leaflet clearly without putting on reading glasses. I nodded my understanding, saying firmly “quite right too” I would read the leaflet later and I put both leaflets into my handbag. The woman then gave me an attractive little symbol advertising what was on her leaflet. They would have realised that they had just met a kindred spirit!  Before we could exchange another word, the bus came along and we all three boarded the bus, observing social distancing! When I arrived at the Church, the young couple stayed on the bus while I got off.   I did not see them again after that, but I was not likely to forget them.

When I arrived back home from Mass, I shed my coat and sat down to read the leaflets. I was glad that I did not read the leaflets before I got home from Mass.  By the time I had read every word written and looked at the pictures provided, I was filled with ANGER, righteous anger as I realised that atrocities had been carried out for over twenty years in China, whilst the rest of the world bathed in apathy. If it had not been for my strong faith and trust in God and my firm belief that some people go straight to heaven when they die, I could have suffered mental problems.  I realised the encounter with the Chinese couple was not a coincidence. What else could it have been if not supernatural?!  with a person who would know what to do with the information handed over in the leaflets. This was not the type of leaflet for the door to door dropping or even a newspaper outlet. There was just one vehicle for sharing the contents of the leaflets and that vehicle was The Lord’s Prayer website, and I was/am the writer who would know what to do.  Obviously also what God wanted me to do.

Remember what I said at the beginning? This website was/is God’s idea. I am just a writer.

The following stories should tell you if this is the MAIN or REAL REASON God wanted his own website.  I know what I believe.  I hope other people share my belief.


I would gladly take a bullet to expose the following.

To do full justice to the information in the leaflets I will simply copy the words written by somebody else, so that you can read what I read, word for word:

First leaflet: Main points. (Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong)

“WHAT IS FALUN DAFA? Falun Dafa is a meditation practice that brings about serenity and a higher level of awareness while also greatly benefiting your physical well-being. Three core principles TRUTHFULNESS, COMPASSION, FORBEARANCE. Falun Dafa – praised the world over while still persecuted in China. What can you do to help? Share: Tell your family, friends and colleagues about what is happening in China. Sharing a photo, a quote, or a statistic will help more people become aware.  CONTACT YOUR MP:  Voice your concern about the persecution and forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Urge the UK government to legislate against transplant tourism. There is currently no law in the UK that prevents British Citizens travelling to China for transplant surgery. More than 40 MPs from all parties have calling  upon for the UK parliament to ban organ tourism to China. But more needs to be done! Such a ban has already been enacted by Italy, Spain, Israel and Taiwan”


“Every day in in over one hundred countries around the world, practitioners freely and peacefully practise  Falun Dafa for their own physical and spiritual well-being. Yet in one country, not only is the practise banned, but massive persecution rampantly takes place: CHINA. In the 1990s Falun Dafa became widely popular across China and was endorsed by the government. By 1999 one hundred million people were practising Falun Dafa. Such a large number of civil and kind individuals seeking self-improvement should naturally be seen in a positive light.  But that July, then Chinese Communist leader, JIANG ZEMIN, launched a violent campaign to  “stamp out” Falun Dafa, viewing the revival of traditional spiritual values as a competitor to the Communist Party’s atheist ideology and its popularity as a threat to his regime’s political control. Falun Dafa thereafter joined the long list of the Communist Party’s victims and millions of people’s lives were turned upside down


TORTURE, MURDER, AND ORGAN HARVESTING: For the last 20 YEARS. Falun Dafa practitioners have been illegally abducted, sent to forced labour camps, and even tortured to death, Mass state-run propaganda campaigns against Falun Dafa have dehumanised its practitioners, where only several years before the practice was promoted and heralded by the Chinese government as an exemplary practice of true, traditional, Chinese values. This campaign has led to prisons and hospitals forcibly extracting organs from healthy yet incarcerated Falun Dafa practitioners for sale and profit to fuel a booming organ transplant business in China.

In June, 2019 , in London,  an independent tribunal has unanimously concluded  that  CHINA IS A ‘CRIMINAL STATE’ which has committed crimes against humanity. Prisoners  of Conscience have been– and continue  be- killed for their organs on a significant scale, and that Falun Gong practitioners have been one – and probably the main – source of organ supply.


To learn more, visit

Leaflet 2. WHAT IS CCP (Chinese Communist Party)  “CCP is a Marxist-Leninist organisation, with totalitarian ideology. It seeks total control over the people’s lives” – US National Security Advisor Robert C O’Brien.

“CCP RELIES ON A TOXIC BREW OF LIES AND FEAR TO MAINTAIN POWER AND CONTROL OVER ITS PEOPLE  and this is why it has hidden the truth from the moment the virus first hit” – Tom Tugendhat, Chairman of UK Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

CCP has NEVER “STOPPED ATTEMPTING TO INFILTRATE OUR SYSTEMS OR COMPROMISE OUR INTELLIGENCE” and  “DOMINATE THE INFRACTURE on which our daily lives depend” – Demian Green MP, former First Secretary of State.

UK should “IMPOSE TARGETED MAGNISTSKY SANCTIONS ON CHINESE OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS in mainland China and Hong Kong” – Benedict Rogers, co-founder of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission.

The Chinese  Communist Party’s cover-up has led to the Pandemic that now kills people around the globe. Covering up the virus is only the tip of the iceberg. For decades, the CCP has been actively undermining the economies, national security and moral fabric of nations around the world. See-through the deception and keep yourself and your family truly informed.

 PETITION  (sign the petition)  REJECT THE CCP

“If the global system had insisted on transparency and accountability…we wouldn’t have this CORONAVIRUS now” David Matas, Human Rights Lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

The CCP is directly responsible for the current global pandemic that has caused a staggering death toll and the loss of businesses, jobs and income.  The Chinese communist regime destroyed virus samples, covered up the outbreak, refused to share information about the virus, blocked international medical experts from accessing information, did not stop international travel during the peak of the outbreak, and deprived the world of at least six critical weeks to get prepared. The number of infections could be reduced by 95% had the CCP acted sooner.

CRUSHING HONG KONG DEMOCRACY;  In 2019  the HONG Kong government’s amendments to the controversial extradition bill sparked protests, which met with pepper spray, smoke bombs, bag bullets, rubber bullets from the police. A year later, the CCP imposed  a National Security Law on Hong Kong. Its Article 38 states that the  law is applicable to every individual, including those outside of and not from Hong Kong. The Law destroys Hong Kong’s autonomy and proves that the CCP’s commitments to the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration and the basic law are empty words.

INFILTRATION AND UNDERMINING OTHER NATIONS:   For decades the CCP has infiltrated not only international organisations but also institutions of countries around the world, including universities, news media and governing  bodies, undermining economies, national security and moral fabric of these nations.   “What the CCP does, which is a very deliberate strategy carefully worked out and widely practised, is to use the institutions of democracy, such as the free press, free association, elections and so on, to increase the power of a foreign nation over the sovereign decision making of other countries”  Clive Hamilton, co-author of HIDDEN HAND. 

PERSECUTION OF FALUN GONG.   In July 1999, the CCP launched the campaign against 100 million Falun Gong practitioners. Police raided homes, confiscating valuables, destroying Falun Gong materials, and hauling people away to detention centres or forced labour camps.   Millions of innocent people have been fired from their jobs, expelled from school, jailed, tortured, or killed simply for practising Falun Gong and believing in its teaching of TRUTHFULNESS, COMPASSION AND TOLERANCE.

SUPPRESSION OF FAITH GROUPS:  As an advocator of Atheism and Marxism, the Chinese Communist Party has destroyed 90 percent of temples and churches in China,  and has severely persecuted millions of believers of all faiths in China, including  Christians, Buddhists, Falun Gong practitioners and more. The CCP has demanded loyalty to the officially atheist party and has tried to eliminate any challenge to its power over people’s lives.   The  Communist Party considers a true theistic belief as a threat to the legitimacy of the communist regime.

CULTURAL REVOLUTION:    Between 1966 to 1976, the CCP’s then head Mao initiated the Cultural Revolution. His Red Guards were indoctrinated with a mission to “destroy the old world” and “establish a new world”. All things traditional or capitalistic were targeted for destruction, including the Four Olds (Old customs, Old Culture, Old Habits and Old Ideas)  They Executed, tortured, or publicly humiliated the “enemies of communism” who could be their neighbours, teachers, or even beloved parents. This ten-year political havoc wrecked the life of the whole nation. Millions died and traditional values and independent thinking abandoned.


In June 1989, university students in China held peaceful demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in support of democracy. THEY DID SO BELIEVING THE CCP WAS SHOWING SIGNS OF OPENNESS AND THEY WOULD NOT BE IN DANGER.  In return, they were greeted with guns, troops and tanks, crushing the young lives and staining the square with blood. The CCP claimed, “nobody was killed in the action” However,  Alan Donald, the then British Ambassador to China was informed by a source within the CCP regime that at least 10,000 people were killed during the Massacre.

400 MILLION BABIES KILLED. From 1979 to 2015, the CCP imposed one-child policy on families in China. Four hundred million births were  “ prevented” In other words, four hundred million babies were killed before they were born.

HERE ARE SOME SLOGANS AND THREATS THAT WERE PAINTED ALL OVER THE COUNTRY:  (a) If one family dares to have more than one child, the whole village will be sterilised (Yunnan province)  (b) Better to have ten new graves than one more child  (Anhui Province)  (c) If you do not follow the one child policy you will watch your family being ruined. (Hunan Province))

“FORCED ORGAN HARVESTING. Forced organ harvesting from  prisoners of conscience, including the religious and ethnic minorities of Falun Gong and Uighurs has been committed for years throughout China on a significant scale”  Senior  lawyer Hamid Sabi told the UN.


Sir Jeffrey Nice, chair of the China Tribunal, said no evidence the practice having been stopped.

RMF COMMENT:  In the second leaflet there was also a harrowing picture of a young girl lying on an operating table while three people, including the surgeon, held her down.  Blood flowed on her chest as the surgeon held her heart in his hands as she screamed, suggesting that they had not even used an anaesthetic before the operation. To get the patient on the table, she would have been told that she had a little problem that only the surgeon could deal with! Countless numbers have suffered this horror over many years; living in constant fear that any day of the week they would be called out to deceptively be given such organ removal.

As written earlier, SATAN’S CRUELTY KNOWS NO LIMIT and he hides behind human walls, within human beings who serve him.   No compassion, no heart, no soul, just hatred for God and for those who serve Him in thought, word and deed. The three values expressed of COMPASSION, TRUTHFULNESS, FOREBEARANCE, values of Jesus Christ, made the people victims of the horrible fate that awaited them when the new SATANIC GOVERNMENT was formed in 1999.


AS WE APPROACH EASTER SUNDAY, we can remember how SATAN’S SERVANTS viciously flogged   Jesus Christ until his blood flowed to the ground;  viciously pushed a crown of thorns into his head until blood flowed down his face; and then  put a heavy cross on his very weakened frame that he had to carry to the crucifixion site, falling three times on the way, where they hammered nails into his hands and feet and left him hanging on the cross until he died after three hours.   Hanging on the cross, Jesus looked up to heaven and said   “FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO” Jesus knew Satan was hiding within his servants who did the work. (No apologies for repeating).

 Shortly, we will be able to celebrate THE GLORIOUS RESURRECTION OF JESUS on the third day, bringing hope to the world, and showing us that death was not the end but the beginning of eternal life where only love dwells IF WE GET TO HEAVEN.


RMF 28.02.2021.

The Holy Spirit

Moving in the Spirit

I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, said Jesus Christ when he was on earth over two thousand years ago.

LIES have dominated the media both sides of the Atlantic in recent months. Currently about President Donald Trump and his family. Mr Trump must know by now who his ‘fair weather’ friends are. They dine at his table on Monday and call for his head on a platter on Tuesday!

Some people forget that God gave mankind a conscience and free will, their passport to salvation or damnation.  This means each person is responsible for his/her actions  and cannot blame their actions on somebody else.

A peaceful demonstration started over what decent people saw as injustice in the election process. Later it was hardly a surprise when a violent faction was planted, so that dark forces could blame the big bad wolf, Donald Trump! Typical with dark forces!!

Not knowing Mr Trump personally, I can only observe him from afar, across the pond.  I think he is a strong person mentally and not one to be manipulated by anybody with ungodly intentions; he believes in God and his beliefs are not ungodly; he is not perfect, none of us are. He is against the elimination of the unborn through abortion and I was surprised to learn that he is not a Catholic.

 I am thinking of the biblical Saul who, on his way to Damascus, heard the voice of Jesus asking “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” Saul stopped in astonishment ….‘Who are you?’ Jesus answered “I am the crucified Christ” to which Saul replied   ‘What do you want me to do?’ Jesus told him to proceed to Damascus and he would find out.   Saul had been persecuting the Christians. Subsequently Saul’s name was changed to Paul. Peter and Paul are, as Christians know, the main Pillars in the Catholic Church, their feast day being the 29th June. If God could convert the sinner Saul to work for him, he could convert anybody else to work for him, including Donald Trump!

ST PETER and ST PAUL:  St Peter, as I wrote earlier, was crucified upside down. St Paul was initially stoned and later beheaded. Jesus taught that those who lose their lives for his sake, save it.

Dark forces in the USA do not want Donald Trump as President.  No doubt a great many thinking people know WHY already. For those who might be confused I will have an answer shortly. 

FIRST: Many prayers and recitations of the Holy Rosary were said for the good of the USA, which included Mr Trump as the ongoing President. Most people know what happened to thwart the just outcome of the election. People should not despair and think their prayers were not heard. Every prayer was heard by God and our Holy Mother Mary. Prayers are not always answered in the way we would want or expect because GOD’S PLANS ARE DIFFERENT TO OURS, AS YOU WILL SHORTLY COME TO UNDERSTAND.

I started off writing for this website in 2012. On that section depicting Jesus on a cross.  Upon reading that particular section I wrote, with the help of The Holy Spirit, as usual, and indicating that  SATAN TARGETS THE SEAT OF POWER WHERE MOST HARM IS DONE TO BOTH  GOD AND MANKIND, THROUGH SATANIC LEGISLATION, WHICH INCLUDES THE ELIMINATION OF THE UNBORN, THROUGH ABORTION. Do you get the picture of why Satan wants to get rid of Mr Trump in the seat of power? and who is against abortion and was not even President in 2012!

Added to that is the fact that the Chinese state also hates Mr Trump because he is a thorn in their flesh and an obstacle to their ambitions to dominate the world in an ungodly fashion. This is the Chinese state that is doing to the Uigher Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews. The  Muslims in China have been deprived of their free will, and God knows what else. Reminiscent of what happened to the Jews and others during the second world war, when they were incarcerated in camps and secretly killed in a most horrible way during the Nazi reign of terror under Satan’s Hitler. Most people know how Hitler died. He shot himself when the game was up, blew himself straight into hell. His reward for serving Satan? Total despair and torment in hell for all eternity. No doubt other evil people in the Nazi Party joined him when their time was up. Who wants to join Hitler? The Chinese state? AND OTHERS?! Make no mistake, HELL IS A REAL PLACE. Those souls in hell did not believe hell existed, until they got there!


THE GREATEST COUP FOR SATAN was his infiltration of the Catholic Church. Some people say this took about a hundred years to achieve. Satan knows how to get a man under his power; first get him to compromise himself! Think of paedophile Priests! Homosexual activities etc.

 The hierarchy in the Church have come under a great deal of fire recently.  In the interests of keeping an open mind and giving people the benefit of the doubt, I have often wondered if some of the hierarchy had given their free will to God for a reason only known to God! I would like to think the answer is ‘yes’. I mention this as I remember the young girl Anneliese Michel who gave her free will to God, and what happened to her. The story of Anneliese is in the book entitled THE GOLDEN ROSE.

This brings me to Covid 19, as explained last year under the heading CHASTISEMENT, posted on the 25th March, 2020 This is a very cruel and satanic virus and prayer is essential, especially The Holy Rosary as Satan hates the rosary. This method of dealing with the virus is hardly expensive!

I would like to see our UK Prime Minster, Boris Johnson, stand up in that three for one Podium he uses and tell the citizens to pray the Holy Rosary before the country goes bankrupt!  If it has not reached that stage already!


When I wrote my last piece for this website in September, 2020,  I thought that I had finished writing on God’s behalf. I was obviously wrong! I never know what God has in the pipeline! Just as those people who pray for something never know what God has in store for them.

I have asked myself the question: Why did God give ME the job of writing for him?  I don’t consider myself perfect, but I do try!  God is not like us humans on earth. He is not elitist, sexist or ageist. He is humble and he wants us to be humble. Humility is helpful when you know God is your employer! Other requirements needed: FAITH IN GOD AND FAITH IN ONESELF, both being gifts from God. I was given the gift of faith when I was seven years of age; my mother had been ill and I prayed to God for her recovery, which did happen. Talent is also a gift from God.

Appropriate education is helpful too, as I could hardly expect God to help me win the lottery if I had not bought a ticket!.


RMF 15.01.2021

The Church of Jesus Christ


LORD be my guide.

The roots of the Christian Catholic Church were planted in the third century when Jesus Christ said to his apostle Peter: “You are Peter and on the rock, I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”  Peter was the first Pope and he later died a painful death when he was crucified upside down.  JESUS CHRIST IS THE TRUE HEAD OF HIS CHURCH.

God never changes. Satan Never changes. Human nature never changes.

When Jesus was arrested, his apostles ran away and abandoned him, through fear. All except John who stood at the foot of the cross with Jesus’ mother Mary.  

Pilate had the job of imposing sentence on Jesus, an innocent man, but he did not want the responsibility, so he passed Jesus to Herod who also did not want to take responsibility, so sent Jesus back before Pilate. Pilate wanted to be popular with the baying mob, so Jesus was passed to the baying mob who ranted loudly….  “Crucify him, Crucify him” while they were happy for a murderer to be released instead. The THIRD CENTURY echoed in the TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY!

Now into the twenty-first century, Jesus has been abandoned again as his flock has scattered to the four winds, again mostly through fear and indifference. As the gates of hell work relentlessly to prevail against Jesus’ Church.

God gave us the weapon of conscience and free will.  Jesus’ mother Mary gave us the weapon of the Holy Rosary, which Satan hates. With these weapons, Jesus’ flock can be rounded up again, but they need shepherding.

Shepherding comes from within Jesus’ Church, but sadly the shepherds have also abandoned Jesus and his teaching.  This is the reason Our Lady wants us to use her weapon of the Holy Rosary, to be said daily.  We could start praying for peace and new shepherding from within Jesus’ Church on earth.

With the weapon of the Holy Rosary, Satan’s power will be crushed and that is why he hates Our Lady’s Holy Rosary.

APOSTASY: God knows when these roots were planted.

To the reader who does not understand this word:  Apostasy means when Satan’s work is not recognised by certain of the Clergy in Jesus’ Church, and Satan succeeds as a result. Alternatively, they do recognise Satan’s machinations but lack the grace of God and the strength and the will to fight back on behalf of their flock.  Fear also plays a big part in their attitude. They could pray to the Holy Spirit for strength and the abolition of fear, just as the Holy Spirit helped Jesus’ apostles in the third century while they waited in the upper room for the descent of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus promised them. The Holy Spirit helped the apostles to become strong and fearless, so do not dismiss the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to remember that Satan has an army of Unholy Spirits at his command, so we need the power of the Holy Spirit to fight back, with the weapon of the Holy Rosary.

Apostasy manifests itself in: SECRECY, assisted by arrogance, lack of true faith, lack of humility, disrespect towards the real head of the Church, disobedience to Jesus and not observing what Jesus taught, as recorded in the gospels, ingratitude. Wrap this up in the eyes! Turning a blind eye to wrongdoing just to be popular, as Pilate did!

Jesus had no secrets and he called his apostles his friends, saying he told them all his father had told him.  Not all Clergy can be accused of betrayal. Jesus knows who his friends are and how their only ambition is to serve God and not mammon.  Scripture tells us that we cannot serve God and mammon.  The Clergy need our prayers. All need our prayers, including our Holy Father. It should be remembered that Jesus forgave his apostles for abandoning him and they reunited after his resurrection. Jesus knew better than anybody how Satan can instil fear. The apostles became stronger and fearless after the Holy Spirit descended upon them shortly after Jesus ascended into Heaven.  He will also forgive those who have abandoned him in the twenty-first century if we ask for his forgiveness, as God’s mercy is greater than our sins.   As for deceiving God, he sees and knows everything.

The one best served by secrecy is Satan. Subtle Satan!  Why was the third secret of Fatima not made known to the people by the Church, as Our Lady intended?  God knows the answer.

SATAN HAS HIS OWN WORKERS ON EARTH. We can see this by the violence and killings; lies to cover up the truth, again and again. Jesus words “I am the way the truth and the life” When Pilate was told what Jesus said, he replied, “what is truth?”  A lawyer would have said…  ‘truth is what you think, not what you know’.  The baying mob THOUGHT they KNEW all about the SON OF GOD. What they did not know they did not want to know!  Such is the power of Satan’s mind control. If Jesus came on earth today, how would he fit in? Very well indeed provided he did not mention the word TRUTH, because then he would be cancelled.  Modern-day word to crucify a person who dares to speak the truth, as Jesus did.

It cannot be said too often:   No matter what our status is, we are nothing without the grace of God.

Our own Free Will should not be confused with God’s Will. We should not blame God when bad things happen.

Satan is strong and clever; he hides within human walls; within people who lack the grace of God. Satan and his evil spirits cannot take over a human being without that person’s permission; such permission is given when we ignore our conscience and give our free will to him, in ignorance. Ignorance is no excuse.  No apologies for repeating….  God gave us the weapon of conscience and free will to guard us against Satan’s machinations. Satan is despotic; he is Greedy.  Greed is the main ingredient in Satan’s stew.  His cruelty knows no bounds; he wants to keep people in the dark where he lives with impunity.  Above all, HE WANTS TO KEEP US OUT OF GOD’S HOUSE, the Church. To date, he is succeeding very well indeed, thanks to his mind control.

Those who think they do not need God, delude themselves.

Another SECRET not known until NOW concerns a book written some years ago and published in 2007 and reprinted in 2008 with a sequel. Being alive and as a witness to the truth I can write this with authority.

This concerns the book with the title THE GOLDEN ROSE. What the book cover would look like was the first thing I pictured in my mind before writing anything, and this remains the same today.   My intention was to write a faith sharing booklet, to be sold in Church outlets with financial benefit to the Church. To be honest, I was taking a shot in the dark because I had no idea how this would be accepted. THEN SOMETHING STRANGE HAPPENED.

With the passage of time, the subject matter changed.  I came to realise and believe that I was not the author, but just the writer!  This is explained in the book. The book ended up as a revelation concerning the apparition which took place at the Knock Marian Shrine in 1879.  Knock is in Co, Mayo, Ireland.

There is a chapter in the book about the demon and how he took possession of a human being and the result of this.  Satan would have been pleased when the chapter exposing his methods, were kept hidden. The truth contained in the book was suppressed at Knock, by the Church. This remains unchanged over twelve years later.

Written In the published book is the visit I made to the Apparition Chapel where a plaque on the wall depicted the head of Jesus with a crown of thorns, his face creased up in pain.  The picture is also on this website (2015)  Mysteriously the plaque disappeared from the wall in the Apparition Chapel, not to be seen again in my annual visits to the shrine, although I checked every nook and cranny looking for it, to no avail.  As the plaque was written about in the published book, the fact that it was no longer to be seen by visitors to the site, would, I believed,  and believe, have undermined the book itself, considering also that a picture of the plaque was/is also in the book sequel, which could have suggested to some that the picture could have been taken any place in the world, not necessarily Knock. Dark forces were evident!

This is where I need to give credit to God: One day in Church a parishioner handed me a card to read. The words on the card were written by a person called Fr Donald MacLean. The card depicted the smiling face of Jesus, his right hand raised up in greeting and his left hand pointing to his heart. These are the words on the card…. “My Jesus I am alive. You are alive. You are My Lord and My God. I give myself to you – RIGHT NOW! I will do anything you want because YOU want it! FILL ME WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and help me to help others – TODAY!”  On reading these words, I felt that Jesus was sending me a message, but I did not know what the message was. I put the card in my prayer book and the following day in Church I took the card out again to read it.  Suddenly I realised what the message was. Jesus wanted me to do something I wished I had thought of myself!   He wanted me to take all the photographs I took when I visited the Knock Marian Shrine in 2006 and give them to the Parish Priest, who should, in turn, give them to his Bishop. Why did Jesus want me to do that? Evidence. The photographs (and negatives) taken by a small box camera showed clearly that the photo of the Plaque was taken in the Apparition Chapel at the Knock Shrine.  As required, I handed the evidence to the Parish Priest, making sure he understood the reason.  Nothing positive resulted. This was the current Parish Priest because the Priest I met briefly in 2006 had passed away.

Subsequently, in my Will I left the copyright of the book to the Knock Shrine, plus the offer in a letter and making it clear how the proceeds were to be shared with three other charities, nothing at all to the writer, who did not write the book to make money.  Nothing positive resulted.

Every time I wrote something on God’s behalf (and  I had evidence to support something I had written) I gave a copy to my Parish Priest, who should, in turn, send it to his Bishop. There was never any feedback! I had to but trust in the Church that important information and evidence would be respected.  For clarity, I also dated everything I wrote.  I did not think any disrespect was intended regarding the lack of communication. The mystery was more likely to dominate!

 When I started writing this website on God’s behalf in 2012, I did not look to the Church for help, as I felt that the only guidance I could trust would come from the true Head of the Church, Jesus Christ.  Trust in the Lord has its own reward!

 There is 168 hours in a week. All God ever asked of us is to keep Holy the Sabbath Day.  One hour to spend in God’s house to celebrate and witness the HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS

 When the time comes and we are unable to leave our homes for various reasons, who wants regrets of golden opportunities lost.  Jesus’ flock, who have abandoned his Church, can come back into the fold with the help of Our Lady’s Holy Rosary, said daily. Help is available, within the Church, to those who would like to take part in the Rosary Crusade.


Once again, thank you God for the privilege of service to you.

RMF 27.09.2020


This Website started in 2012. For eight years God has made himself known to us through the website, as he clearly intended. Not only that, but we can also ask ourselves: Did God want to impart knowledge to BELIEVERS and NON BELIEVERS? I know the answer for me, you judge for yourself.
Some people have interesting experiences. Some years ago when I was in Church, a person handed me a blue card to read. The words on the card were written by John Henry Newman when he was alive many years ago. He is now known as Saint John Henry Newman. These are his words….”GOD HAS CREATED ME TO DO HIM SOME DEFINITE SERVICE. HE HAS COMMITTED SOME WORK TO ME, WHICH HE HAS NOT COMMITTED TO ANOTHER. I HAVE MY MISSION. I AM A LINK IN A CHAIN, A BOND OF CONNECTION BETWEEN PERSONS. I SHALL DO GOOD AND BE A PREACHER OF TRUTH IN MY OWN PLACE” At the time I wondered if the words applied to ME

I was seven years of age when I first prayed to God/talked to God. My mother Rose was about 34 years of age and had been given the last rites of the Catholic Church, as she was not expected to live. Feeling distraught I went out into the garden, looked up to Heaven, and asked God to leave my mother where she was needed most, on earth. God heard my prayer and responded. My mother recovered and lived to a ripe old age.
Only God knows how the Coronavirus (Covid-19) started: This is what I believe: The Coronavirus, was created in a laboratory by scientists under the mind control of Satan who also fed them the lie that the virus could be used to control people or threaten people with. Once the genie was let out of the bottle, all control was lost, with the result that the entire world suffered and suffers. The TRUTH comes out in the end, as it always does, and God knows the truth.

Earlier, in writing for this website, I wrote that only God could restrain Satan and when he didn’t do that the world suffered chastisement, which the world brought upon itself when it turned its back on God to serve Satan. We serve God’s enemy, Satan, when we ignore God. Not everybody ignores God, but a large percentage do, and this is manifest in the way they treat and abuse others and neglect any true connection with God.

What can we do to rid the world of this pernicious virus and have PEACE in the world? We could do what Our Lady, Jesus’ mother, Mary, has been urging us to do for many years, which is to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Everybody needs to pray, not just a few people.

There are people who will say that as God has the ultimate power, why does He not rid the world of Satan altogether? We will have to wait for Satan to be cast down to HELL for good by God. His power will be broken by knowledge, the knowledge imparted by God for all.
Somebody once said about Satan, that he was/is the greatest conman ever. He managed to convince much of the world that he doesn’t exist! Yet his work is so visible!

Satan has served, and is serving, a useful purpose in the world. HE SEPARATES THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF. Scripture tells us that at harvest time (biblical term for the end of the world) the chaff will be tossed into the fire. (This is the everlasting fire created by Satan for those who served /serve him while they were/are alive on earth). Satan’s main aim was to entice all God’s children into his hell. But, as I wrote earlier, GOD ‘SAVES’ PEOPLE FROM HELL.

This website started with “THE LORD’S PRAYER” A good way to start.
WE SHOULD NOT LET OURSELVES BECOME CHAFF. Start today, not tomorrow, to build a relationship with your Maker THE ONE TRUE, FORGIVING, LOVING AND COMPASSIONATE GOD.

The Power of Prayer is well known.
When the world recovers and the virus is no more, we can celebrate as we have never celebrated before. We can celebrate the KNOWLEDGE that we know WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE!

THANK YOU GOD, for the privilege of Service to you RMF. 22.03.2020.