This new religion is a test of man’s intelligence and common sense
It is not a religion that praises God, but mocks and insults God. It tells God that mankind has the choice of deciding HIS/HER own sexuality, irrespective of birth gender. In other words, decision is not God’s, but man’s.
The new religion is based on GENDER! Am I a boy? Am I a girl? or both?
Guess where the new religion emanates from? The enemy of TRUTH! God’s TRUTH!
As many people already know, SATAN is targeting vulnerable children, and some very young children at that.
Earlier, on writing on this website, the reader will have noticed what was written about SATAN being a MIND CONTROLLER. Now God has shown us what he meant by that, particularly as this new creed is generated by mind control. “What am I? A boy? A girl? Or both?”
The mind controls the body. What confusion this new creed has on the mind of a vulnerable child. Those who promote the creed are the very adults children look up to for guidance.
Just as I, and others can work for God, so others can work for Satan. He will not be grateful for his workers. Had Satan been grateful to God, he would not have been turfed out of Heaven/Paradise, as already explained earlier.
The Seed of Faith has ROOTS. Where does this pernicious gender creed have ROOTS? Several weeks ago I would not have been able to answer such a question. However, in May this year, I found the answer written by somebody else in a small paperback book:
The title of the book is: “GENDER THEORY: Diversity Or 21st Century TOTALITARISM?” Published by: Tradition, Family, Property Association. (Email: Answers to the basic questions everyone should know: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Or both?
God, only, knows how far and wide this evil creed has spread and is spreading. In order to spread such creed, Satan picks appropriate people (he definitely would not pick anybody aware of his machinations) . He has been very successful in his choice. Anybody who opposes the evil creed can do suffer the consequences.
Satan was the first DESPOT. In a foreign country where a despot rules, those people who oppose the despot or criticize him/her, do not survive for very long. This is how Satan works through people who look like ordinary human beings.
Satan’s cruelty knows no limits. Think of what he did to JESUS, as already written about earlier.
Satan practises his cruelty on the souls who enter hell, BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS WHEN ALIVE.
No love, no gratitude. Just hatred, and despair for the souls who took no notice, when they were alive on the earth, of the God who truly loved them .
The more I write on this website, the more I appreciate the reason God wanted his own website in the first place.
Satan has his own website too: All that porn, all that child abuse… Constantly mocking GOD.
This is my second attempt at writing this article, on GOD’S BEHALF. The finished first attempt disappeared.
A few lines of my own. Last year, under the heading MARIAN SHRINES, I wrote about my husband’s illness. Sadly, but not for him, he passed away in October, 2018. A couple of months earlier, while he was fully compos mentis, he was reconciled to God and received the last rites of the Catholic Church. This was a happy period for him and I know, and believe, he is now at peace. Having served his purgatory on earth, through a long painful illness.
As Pentecost day is fast approaching, the fulfilment of the Passover, the Easter Feast, we can pray this prayer to the Holy Spirit:
COME, O HOLY SPIRIT, FILL THE HEARTS OF YOUR FAITHFUL, AND ENKINDLE IN THEM THE FIRE OF YOUR LOVE. SEND FORTH YOUR SPIRIT, AND THEY SHALL BE CREATED AND YOU SHALL RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Let us pray: O God who taught the hearts of the faithful, by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY is our Lady’s message.
Thank you God.
3rd June, 2019.