They would write independently and without reference to others as each remembered Jesus and his teaching in their own way.
As Peter was now in charge as our first Pope, it makes sense to say that he commissioned the gospels at a time when they were all together, thinking of the communication aspect that would arise when they were scattered far and wide. The mandate of Jesus was… ”Go forth and baptise all nations, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and know that I am with you always, to the end of the world” Not only baptise all nations but to bring the good news of God’s Kingdom to ALL. Even today in the 22nd century, Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been urging people to read the Bible, which tells the story of the life of Jesus
Three times Jesus confirmed the Apostle Peter as the head of His Church. He asked Peter three times if he loved him, and Peter replied. YES, each time and Jesus said, “Feed my sheep” Peter was the Chief Shepherd, the first Pope. Jesus had also said to Peter: You are Peter on the rock I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it!
JUST AS PREDICTED AT THE TIME OF Christ, the gates of Hell have tried relentlessly to prevail against the Church; some experts have said this started in slow motion almost a hundred years ago! And the results have brought great shame on the Church, but Satan will never succeed in bringing down the Church as it is built on rock! And on the rock faith of many. Let you, the reader, be one of the rocks!
Jesus promised that he would be with us to the end of the world. How is this possible? He is with us in the Holy Eucharist. Every time we attend Holy Mass we are witnesses to the miracle of the Holy Eucharist when the Priest blesses the bread and wine and it becomes the body and blood of Christ but still tastes like bread and wine; this is the miracle; this is the way God is with us to the end of the world.
What makes one person murder an innocent person while another recoils at the very idea? The GRACE OF GOD. Satan’s mind control operates effectively when we ignore our conscience and give our free will to him. Once you give your free will to the SATAN, he keeps it. That is why our precious free will and conscience, given to us by God, is our Passport to salvation or damnation.
WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT THE GRACE OF GOD. Our conscience and free will expire when we die.
SOME PEOPLE THINK WE CAN BUY A PLACE IN HEAVEN BY GIVING MONEY TO CHARITY. If people die in mortal sin and are unrepentant, they go to Hell no matter how much money they give to charity! There is no easy route to Heaven!
As earlier written, THE MIND CONTROLS THE BODY. Satan is a Mind Controller. How else could he succeed? He needs people in power to carry out his work, especially those lacking the Grace of God. To give an example of mind control and many people will recognise this: Who am I? AM I A BOY OR AM I A GIRL? AM I HERTOSEXUAL OR HOMOSEXUAL? I HAVE BEEN LIVING HAPPILY MOST OF MY LIFE AS A HETEROSEXUAL BUT NOW I WANT TO BE A HOMOSEXUAL. WHY HAS NATURE PLAYED THIS TRICK ON ME? Not nature, the Devil, the mind controller!! Troubled people can ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, not another person under the mind control of Satan.
What does Satan hate most? TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE, because both throw light into the darkness.
THE FIRST PRIORITY IS: To place our trust in God, who loves us and wants only the best for us.
How do we achieve happiness on earth? Through PEACE OF MIND when we have wiped the slate clean and can start again.
How can we start again? God’s Mercy is greater than our sins. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.
CONFESS, REPENT, DO PENANCE, FAST and try, try, try and try again when we fail yet again. Just don’t let the Devil win because he does not give up trying to lure us into his web of deceit, lies and sin.
Satan and his evil spirits can assail one’s mind at any time, even in Church. What can you do? Just say ‘Go away Satan’ and the Holy Spirit will chase the evil one away. But he does not give up! Remember, the narrow road is full of stumbling blocks.
BE HUMBLE, NOT PROUD. Heaven is full of the humble and Hell is full of the Proud!
Joe Bloggs was frustrated because his mother had been trying for years to convert him. One day Joe shouted…”Lord, can you please confirm that my mother is five short of six?” ‘Dear Joe, I can confirm that your mother is six-six and you are five short’ “What does that mean, Lord?” ‘She is one hundred per cent and you are one percent’ “How do I get to be one hundred percent?” ‘Ask your mother.
I NEVER KNOW FOR SURE WHEN God is going to make me redundant! With that in mind, I would like to say: Thank you God for the endorsement and for the TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE, which takes us out of the darkness and into the light. Was and is this God’s purpose for this website? To me the answer is obvious.
RMF 9th August 2022.
PS In case you are wondering. Yes, I did have much trouble. Mainly computer trouble writing the above and I was conscious of who was trying to stop me from persevering. Once God knew I was aware that Satan was trying to stop me and I asked God for help, he responded. I have God to thank for getting this far. RMF