Everywhere I go Lord, you go too!

THE LORD’S PRAYER website went live on 23rd April, 2012.

As I wrote before, it will go viral when The Lord is ready.

In the meantime, I would like to add some more information in the hope that it will help people who have latched on already or will latch on in the future.

A few weeks ago I woke up one morning with a song on my mind. I kept singing it all day, mostly silently, and the following day too. Then it disappeared from my mind. A few weeks later it came back into my mind and I came to the conclusion that God was telling me not to drag my feet but to do some more writing, so now I am going to share the song/lyric with you, as follows:


Everywhere you go Lord, I go too! Everywhere you go Lord, I go too!

Oh LORD!  Oh LORD!  My……….MY GOD!

Everywhere I go Lord, you go too!  Everywhere I go Lord, you go too!


LORD!  LORD!  Be my guide……….Be  my companion!


A couple of weeks later I added another idea to the above words:   (‘WITH A CROSS IN MY POCKET’), acknowledging that I always carry a cross in my pocket!

Some people find it easier to sing than to pray audibly or in silence.   With the above lyric you can do both.   All Hymns are a prayer to God. My favourite hymn   OH, LORD, HOW GREAT THOU ART.

Since the Lord’s website  became live  more than  five years ago, the world has become a cauldron of hatred and killing, thanks to God’s enemy Satan who overlooks it all as he taunts God. As I wrote earlier, only God can restrain Satan and when he does not do that, the world suffers chastisement, which the world brings upon itself by serving Satan by their actions and ignoring God’s grace of conscience and freewill.   Many, many times the Mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, has appeared on earth to warn people and implore them to pray, because it is only through prayer, daily prayer, that one can become close to God and God’s grace.  Without the grace of God, we would all be barbarians!

As many people know, it was 1914/1918 when the FIRST WORLD WAR took place; remembered as all Wars should be remembered.

This year also marks the centenary of the FATIMA APPARITIONS  (1917/2017). Our Lady said: ‘IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH’  Such words bring hope and comfort to a stricken world.

CHRISTMAS is fast approaching. Once again, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of JESUS CHRIST  we can ask GOD to send THE HOLY SPIRIT into our life to help us in the most appropriate way in this very troubled world.                              .

RMF 8TH December, 2017.